When business owners are considering the confidential sale of their business, it is imperative that they first fully understand what selling a business truly entails, because a lack of a complete understanding can lead to disappointment. 

In order to help prospective sellers avoid this problematic situation, we have provided the top five questions a seller should ask themselves when considering the sale of their company. 

Asset valuation is used when a company is asset-intensive. Retail businesses and manufacturing companies fall into this category. This process takes into account the following figures, the sum of which determines the market value. The most common factors in Asset Valuation are Fair market value of fixed assets and equipment (FMV/FA), Leasehold improvements (LI), Owner benefit (OB) and Inventory (I). Below is information on what an asset valuation is and how to prepare oneself. 

After investing countless hours, dollars and sweat in growing your company, it is time to start thinking about the next phase of your life. You have assembled resources and strategized to make your product or service superior to the competition. No doubt you have drawn on your experience and relationships to achieve this goal and that is how you have made your mark. Read the list below to learn more about the right time to sell your business.