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After investing countless hours, dollars and sweat in growing your company, it is time to start thinking about the next phase of your life. You have assembled resources and strategized to make your product or service superior to the competition. No doubt you have drawn on your experience and relationships to achieve this goal and that is how you have made your mark. That same dynamic is in place at George & Company. Doing what we do best in our competitive mergers and acquisitions market, we draw on our experience, talent, relationships and plain hard work to best help you find the right buyer for selling a business. Would you trust its sale to anyone other than the best?
George & Co. interacts with a network of seasoned professionals that are committed to helping you achieve top dollar for your company and at the best terms. We have tens of decades of experience at our disposal in all critical areas of the selling process: appraisal, brokerage, and financing of businesses of all sizes and types. As contributing members to Bizcomps and PrattStats, we have access to thousands of transactions across the country whereby we run comparable sales analyses (like MLS for Real Estate) to assist us in determining the correct range of values your company may fall within. Of course in the end, the market will tell us what the proper value is, but it is our job to ensure it is priced within that critical range of acceptable values, that it is properly marketed, and that most importantly we steer the deal around and over all the obstacles that will inevitably pop-up as we move toward the finish line.
Below are a few key questions to ask yourself if you are considering the sale of your company. These questions are for your own use. You must answer honestly to aid you in determining if now may be the right time to sell your company.
• Do you have a clear reason for why you want to exit your company or was it just a bad day?
• Are you prepared to train a new owner in transitioning ownership?
• Have you planned what you’ll do with your time when you no longer have an office to go to?
• Have you had your company appraised? Will the sale be sufficient to finance your next life?
• Are you truly committed to selling if your financial expectations are met?
• Do you have ideas as to who might be the best buyer for your company?
The process of selling a business can be very rewarding, but can also prove to be very challenging. In the wrong hands, you can create a legal nightmare, prolong the process, or leave significant value on the negotiating table because of poor pricing, inexperienced negotiators, incomplete or inaccurate documentation, or failing to properly target and qualify your prospective buyers. George & Co. has the expertise to guide you every step of the way. We partner with your legal and accounting professionals at the proper times to maximize your return while minimizing your taxes.
Are you sure you are ready to sell your business? Contact us to help you come to a decision.