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After the Letter of Intent is signed and further M&A deal negotiations have begun, the next document for the business seller to draw up is the M&A purchase agreement. This document outlines all of the deal’s terms and acts as a final contract.
Unlike previous documents like the LOI and IOI, the purchase agreement is legally binding. Therefore, the seller should work heavily with their attorney in writing this document in order to ensure that all provisions are legally acceptable and to avoid being slighted by ambiguous wording. However, even with the attorney writing the document, the seller should still remain deeply involved with its process so that they can oversee the specifications and determine if all stipulations are within the seller’s best interest.
M&A Purchase Agreement
The following is a list of some of the most vital provisions in the purchase agreement. Note that since every deal is unique, one may add different points and sub-categories. Speak with an M&A intermediary for more details on what should and should not be included in one’s specific purchase agreement.
Make sure to go over the finalized purchase agreement with both the lawyer and the M&A intermediary to ensure that all information is clear-cut.
If would like to speak with an M&A intermediary about drawing up a purchase agreement for your business, please contact George & Company. We are well-versed in the sale and appraisal of mid-market businesses.