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Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and other social networking sites have all become part of our daily life. But with the constant spread of information across the Internet, how can you plan on maintaining confidentiality during your M&A deal?
As we’ve discussed in previous blog posts, a breach in confidentiality can occur during the M&A process. The key to quickly resolving the issue is to find out who leaked the information and work with the buyer or seller, as well as your M&A intermediary, to create a plan of action to keep news from spreading. Deal with the breach immediately before it can spread.
This applies to online breaches in confidentiality as well. If a member of the management team or an employee finds out about a possible M&A deal, they might post about it on their Facebook or Twitter, or change their job title on their LinkedIn page. To avoid unexpected confidentiality leaks such as this, it is good practice to routinely browse the Internet for any leaked information regarding your deal. As always, consult your M&A intermediary and buyer or seller. A break in confidentiality can only be successfully handled if all parties are well informed and effectively communicating.
If you're in need of an advisor during an M&A deal, contact George & Company, the region's premier business brokerage firm.