Common M&A Negotiating Mistakes: Part One

One of the biggest pieces of advice that we can offer is to leave emotions at the door when entering an M&A negotiation. Sometimes negotiations can get heated, but the disputes should always remain business oriented. Throughout our vast experience, we have dealt with different types of approaches to M&A negotiations. Here is a list of some of the most common negotiation mistakes.

1. Bullying

Many falsely believe that negotiating an M&A deal is about forcefully imposing their opinions on the other party. While you want to make your voice heard, doing so in a tough and belligerent manner is not the way. It can either kill a deal or hinder progress.

2. Resorting to Ultimatums

Saying the phrase, “take it or leave it” will typically cause the other side to leave the deal. Not only does it label you as someone who is unwilling to negotiate further, it also can make you appear as if closing the deal is not important to you and that is a big mistake.

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