This article goes into further depth on valuations for divorce purposes, particularly the 2007 landmark Mass. SJC case of Bernier v. Bernier. You can read the brief overview and why George & Company should be your expert for divorce valuation here.

A unicorn valuation is when a startup undergoes valuation and that valuation exceeds one billion dollars. Generally speaking this term is only uttered in the halls of the venture capital industry, and is therefore for the purposes of investment. You can see a listing of current unicorn companies here, provided by CB Insights. Almost all of these companies refer to themselves and are referred by the term "tech company."

There are times your business is going to need a valuation. When you don’t know the fair market value of your business and its assets, your lack of knowledge can hurt your business and cause losses of thousands of dollars. Below are several of the most common situations that cause the “Have-To” valuations—times where knowing your worth is the only option.