Companies with the greatest value to buyers are those where the power is transferable and business ownership is replaceable.
Experienced business brokers at George & Company
Companies with the greatest value to buyers are those where the power is transferable and business ownership is replaceable.
For a company interested in an acquisition, their goals should be first to find a company that is financially stable. Businesses that are able to successfully close deals have strong cash positions and little to no debt.
Commonly, during the M&A process the power shifts from the buyer to the seller back and forth many times. This usually depends on which party has more riding on a particular stage of the deal. As a result...
When a buyer and seller negotiate a valuation, both sides want to see the deal close with that valuation in mind. However, one side or the other might want to try to begin renegotiations of the sale price before closing. Sometimes if it is the buyer’s renegotiation of the valuation, he is doing so in order to get a lower price.
The letter of intent (LOI) is a document where the buyer and seller agree to stop pursuing other potential business prospects and agree to wrap up the deal. The Letter of Intent creates provisions for both sides of the deal.
The experienced business brokers at George & Company have been helping Massachusetts business owners and business owners around New England plan and navigate the exit from their businesses for more than four decades.